After reading other forum advice I updated the awecontent module to 7.x-1.4 and now I'm no longer able to load the build with awecontent menu. Does not work for existing page or new page. You have my login info under previous PM in error message thread.
Thu, 10/20/2016 - 23:16
Please update code file md_awecontent/js/awe-frontend-scripts.js with
If it still does not work, please send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment, we would like to fix problem for you.
Please update file and notify us if problem is not solved.
We check and can see you did not install theme profile so there are some empty sections which cause errors. Please find and remove them (example:
If you install profile, there will be full default blocks.
However, please do not worry, above errors appear just because of some empty sections (which have no content). Please find and remove them.
Feautures can not supply all blocks as demo. Because features do not export content but only export structure data. We included module features that supply most blocks. So we always recommend customers install theme profile.
We use modulde MD Fullscreen slider. You can please create a slider with Fullscreen slider then drag drop block slider to Awecontent or set to any region.