I using Make Theme and having issue insert internal absolute path at menu. I have follow the instruction from other topic to replace sites\all\modules\custom\md_megamenu files with new md_megamenu-7.x-1.18_1.zip.
I am able to edit to external absolute link such as google.com/maps. However, whenever insert internal link such as domain.com/estore then it will automatically become relative path whenever it detected own domain in front. I need it without ?q=.
Please advice how to fix this. Urgent!
We have just updated the latest version of module Megamenu
Please check menu MAPS
May I know how you update the latest version module of Megamenu?
Because I build in my pc first before upload to actual server. However I want to replicate the fix at my pc too
Or you use other method? Can advice?
Ok. I got it. Use clean url.