I just purchased MD Make and installed. I am getting the same two errors as another user (See Copied Post Below). My questions:
1. You gave the fix for the first error. Is the code that was posted (as shown below correct)?
2. What is the fix for the second error - Invalid argument supplied foreach()?
Text Copied from previous post:
this is it???
// Content Tab
$tabcontent_data = theme_get_setting('tabcontent_data');
if (!empty($tabcontent_data)){
$tabcontent_data = drupal_json_decode($tabcontent_data);
$tabcontent_data = array_chunk($tabcontent_data, 3);
$menu_content = '<nav class="main-nav"><ul>';
$tab_content = '';
foreach ($tabcontent_data as $key_content => $content_detail) {
if ($content_detail[0]['value'] != '') {
$list_active = ($key_content == 0) ? "active" : "";
$menu_content .= '<li><a href="#tab_cotent_' . $key_content . '" class="' . $list_active . '">' . t($content_detail[0]['value']) . '</a></li>';
$section_show = ($key_content == 0) ? "show" : "hide";
$tab_content .='<section class="content ' . $section_show . '"> <h1>' . t($content_detail[0]['value']) . '</h1>
<h5>' . t($content_detail[1]['value']) . '</h5>
<div class="maintenance_description">' . t($content_detail[2]['value']) . '</div>
because i still have one error
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in md_make_preprocess_maintenance_page() (line 491 of /home/artpt/public_html/beta2/sites/all/themes/md_make/theme_setting/front/page.preprocess.inc).
Please send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment. We would like to have a check then fix problem for you.
Thanks for the reply. Before I had received your reply I tried reinstalling the theme and I am no longer getting the errors. I do however have one last question.
Is there any documentation available for the MD Make theme?
Hi Jotig77,
You can find the documentation in the theme package that you downloaded from Themeforest
Just extract file documentation.zip and simply open file index.html