Change the position of your MD gmap

kvaname's picture
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 11:25
Change the position of your MD gmap

Hi! How can I change the position of your MD google map? I would like the map to show Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

phuonght's picture
Fri, 07/15/2016 - 22:34


Please go to admin/structure/block/manage/md_block_custom/gmap/configure to change position of Google Map Location.

kvaname's picture
Sun, 07/17/2016 - 17:40

Hi! Thanks, but it isn't the right path. I have find the solution. If someone have the same issue, here is the solution:

1-Go edit the page you want with ''Build page with AWEContent''
2-Choose the MD google map block in the drupal section on the left side and save.
3-Go at Structure/Blocks.
4-Scroll down to the MD Google Maps block and clic configure.
5-Configure it but let every theme at none in the Region Settings and save. The block stay disable, but the configuration change the block you put with ''Build page with AWEContent''

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