in page "contact-map-bottom"
i put background white (see image)
but when i click on page, i dont see he fiedls, name, email or subject like appears "make your project real
another question,
in front page i have fill "leave a message" .
and i get it this message
Unable to send e-mail. Contact the site administrator if the problem persists.
already configure email in web form. what do i miss?
In Themesetting > Custom Code > Custom CSS, we inserted below code:
Please change/ edit color code to apply in your site.
Sending mail webform problem: you are using Google mail so please install module SMTP to use service SMTP sending email from gmail address.
Configuration instruction: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-google-s-smt...
only one question, what color code you want me to change?
do you inserted the code ? I check in custom css and i dont see that code
also in configurations about email , i have done all configuracoes but the error message still appears.
need more configuration?
Hi ,
i change my configurations to use an email that is not from gmail.
i try several solutions and did not work.
Now , i use phpmailer and the email of the person who is contacting me is working, but I do not receibed email confirmation email.
when i check the email of user , I have an url that is availablel that redirect to site/webform submission.
the following error appears
can you help me?
can you anwser my question, please?
Please check your email, download the attached file and update in sites\all\modules\custom\md_themesetting
Note: You should back up your old file before update new file