starting manual instalation ( after fail instalation with demo profile ) and try to install the theme zip file (md_make-7.x-2.1.zip) and when try to go settings , I cant change any fields
after this, I try to install the modules and enable the features modules
this error occurs :
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds
change php.ini
the next error is:
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException: Table accesslog already exists. inDatabaseSchema->createTable() (line 660 of C:\2-Marta\xampp\htdocs\drupal-art137\includes\database\schema.inc).
As we can see, problem occured in installation process, some tables were created in database. So please try to uninstall and re-install. If it still does not work then you need to re-install site (installing profile is highly recommended).
If you install manually, when enabling modules, please enable required module first, one by one to avoid error.