In my homepage I have a block with read more like this:
How can I change the color of that Read more to lets say orange?
Is there anyway I can change my font in my navbar aswell? I changed other font's but I can't seem to change the font in the navbar.
Thanks in advance
1. Change "Read more" color:
in file md_make.css, please insert:
with #xxxxx: code of color you would like
2. chang font navbar:
- Please Go To Admin/Appearance/Settings/Md_make, Tab "General" > "Custom Font"
Import Font From http://www.google.com/webfonts
- Open file md_make.css, insert:
with XXX: font name (example: font-family: 'Pacifico', cursive;)
Thanks alot Phuonght,
I have some more questions if I may ask,
When I type next to my site URL things like /node/130 they open one of the other template pages.
Is there any way I can disable those?
Thanks again!
Could you send us screenshot of your /node/130?
This is the image:
There are much more of those page templates if you know what I mean.
But I just want to disable those without deleting? Or make the unaccessable?
Thanks in advance!
And another question:
I have a contact map that is some sort of bugged. It shows above my contact form instead of inside of it.
When i made it as small as possible it doesnt show anymore. But because of that I have a really ugly contact form.
Can I get this contact fixed up little bit.
The white part above is where the map should be and I don't know how to get rid of that white bar aswell..
Sorry for putting it all back to back.
At my readmore the little >> icon doesn't get orange.
Image below:
How do I get that orange aswell.
I added myself some own read more's with HTML code but then it shows like this:
How can I give the same structure to this Read more as the 1 above?
Thanks in advance.
Change color of ">>":
Please open file md_make.css (sites\all\themes\md_make\css), insert
Make nodes unaccessable:
They are template pages built with Awecontent, created by node basic page. You could go to "content" to check all nodes. Then with each content that you would like to hide, please click "Edit", in tab "Publishing Option", uncheck "Published".
About contact map: please send us your site url, admin account by private comment and describe by detail what you would like to do with your contact section. We would like to have a check then help you fix it.
The code for the css code didn't work its the same code as the 1 above.
The option not publishing worked thanks alot!
About the info I need to send you I can't.
I'm hosting the site on my server and I have alot of data which I can't let anyone else access I'm sorry.
I'll try to describe it here as detailed as I can:
- The contact form has a map above it which is now hidden. But because it's hidden it makes the white bar above the contact map.
- The contact map also has a min-height of 700 I believe.
So I want to remove the Contact-Map totally out of my site.
And I want to either remove the min-height of the contact field or put another min-height.
Please go to admin/appearance/settings/md_make, "Custom code" > "Custom CSS code", insert:
About contact map, if we can not check your site so it is very difficult for us because we do not understand exactly. You could try to remove map in awecontent.
Hello again thanks for being so helpful.
This is how the contact looks right now:
This is the part I want removed:
This is the read more right now:
This is what I want orange aswell:
Thank you for being so helpful!
And under my header I have a white bar aswell how do I get rid of this one:
If you look closely you see a whitebar under the header / above the video background.
Thanks in advance.
Please go to awecontent, find section you would like to remove, then remove.
Color: please try with following code:
White area: please do not set title of block as <none> in Awecontent. Please go to /admin/structure/block, configure block then set title. Or you could check in edit mode if you set padding, margin. You also try set padding, margin to 0.
Thanks the css code worked.
But both white Area's didn't work. I can't get rid of them. Since the section of the map is merged with the contact form only way is to delete the contact map.
Is there a way tho to fix that header? I tried without <none> It looked ugly and didn't work.
So please bare with me with the solutions ;(
If all solutions does not work in your site so please share with us your site information. Without checking, we can not know exactly which problem is.
You also try to write CSS code to hide block of white area.