Error message Notice: Undefined variable: background_img_url in include()

djadhav's picture
Wed, 12/30/2015 - 14:07
Error message Notice: Undefined variable: background_img_url in include()


I am having issues using the Header: Text Rotator block.  It throws be the Error 

Error message

Notice: Undefined variable: background_img_url in include()

How do I resolve this.

Thank you.

phuonght's picture
Wed, 12/30/2015 - 22:12


Please go to /block/header--text-rotator/edit?destination=admin/content/blocks to set background image

Image title

djadhav's picture
Fri, 01/01/2016 - 04:03

The problem with adding background image is that the text rotator block loses it's transparency.  is there a way to add a transparent background to the block?

cindy's picture
Mon, 01/04/2016 - 03:39


The problem with adding background image is that the text rotator block loses it's transparency => This is because there is an overlay over the block header.

To remove the overlay to have transparent background, please go to themesetting => {}/admin/appearance/settings/md_make

=> Custom code => Custom CSS Code : please add the following code

#block-bean-header-text-rotator .section-overlay.overlay-9, #block-bean-header-text-rotator .section-overlay {
background: transparent!important;
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