In the MD Header Slider Full Height the image overlaps the text on the second slide and the background image for each slide hangs down lower than the main image for the slide. How can i make the text on slide two overlap the image and how can i make the background image be the same size as the main slide image?
Tue, 12/15/2015 - 21:22
Could you send us some screenshots or your site url so we can take a closer look?
The first slide has the text overlapping the slider image, but the background image goes down further than the slider image. In the second slide the slider image is overlapping the text and the background image goes down further than the slider image. I want the text in the second slide to overlap the slider image, and i want the background image to be the same size as the slider image.
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account by private comment? We still can not know which problem is exactly. It would be great if we can take a closer look at problem and find some solutions.
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Firstly, about how to set text overlap image: please take a look at below image and slide 2 in your site.
If you would like to set background image for a slide, please do not use image object but set background image in slide settings:
By default, there is a overlay on image, if you would like to remove it, please set Backgroud Overlay to rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
You could look at current slider (admin/structure/fullscreen-slider/7/edit) for example also.