1. Installed from scratch with demo content, when I use the home with video and play button, there is gaps problems everywhere, between the top border and video, then when I switched to a non transparent header, more gaps now between the header and video: http://urlgone.com/79cf6e/
2. Then the video is repeating in some areas, like a mosaic wallpaper, why?
3. I deleted all the text in front of the video, and I got non defined varibles notices that are visible to anonymous users and I have to hide with css.
I have just started to build my site and the bugs are pilling up...
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I need to reuse this theme in 5 more domains, so what I am asking is more about fixing the template so I can donwload it
Did you purchase regular license or extended license? It seems you violate the license standard
Please see this http://themeforest.net/licenses/standard