how to delete some of social icons on social footer

ekkljs's picture
Sat, 10/24/2015 - 07:29
how to delete some of social icons on social footer

1. can't find icon or menu to delete social icons on social footer which comes with 6-7 default social icons.

2. i'd like to remove google map related scripts to reduce the server load. can you tell me the location to remove those?

phuonght's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 05:56


- Delete social icons in footer: please delete block then create a new block that is similar with the old.

You can see config of that block at admin/structure/block/manage/bean/social-footer--square/configure.

- Remove google map: please edit pages which contains google map, it can be removed in awecontent.

ekkljs's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 06:08

Thank you.

1. Okay. I will try.

2. If I follow your suggestion, map scripts will be still there. I won't use google map at all so i don't want to leave scripts there. Can you tell me the location of those scripts so I can remove them completely.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 22:40

Please try to delete region which contains map too.

ekkljs's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 22:44

I think you misunderstood my request. I don't use any region which contains map but those scripts are loaded in every page. I don't want those scripts running in background.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 23:12

So please download the following file

then open \sites\all\modules\custom\md_block_custom, replace file md_block_custom.module with the new one.

If it still does not work, please send us your site url, admin account and FTP account. We would like to help you.

ekkljs's picture
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 02:56

Thank you.

Can you reply my last question? Thank you.

phuonght's picture
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 03:37

Sorry but which question you mentioned?

ekkljs's picture
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 03:42

"I think you misunderstood my request. I don't use any region which contains map but those scripts are loaded in every page. I don't want those scripts running in background."

phuonght's picture
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 03:53

Did you try with the file at above link? It will help you remove map's scripts. Or it still does not work?

phuonght's picture
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 04:45

So could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account? We would like to fix it for you.

Please remember to check "Private message" for security reason.

phuonght's picture
Wed, 10/28/2015 - 22:33

- Remove map:

Go to /sites/all/modules/custom/md_awecontent/awecontent.module, find line 1572 then delete 


- The error: please go to your account page to dowload new version of mega menu. Remember to add your purchase code of Make first. We check and can see you have not add it yet.

ekkljs's picture
Wed, 10/28/2015 - 23:16

Thank you

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