Drupal module admin_menu_toolbar does not work

citananda's picture
Fri, 10/23/2015 - 05:24
Drupal module admin_menu_toolbar does not work


I am usually using admin_menu_toolbar and admin_menu instead of core toolbar on the websites I create because I gain a lot of time with this.

I would like to know why it is not working with Make template ?

When I clear caches, menu toolbar is a available, but after the first clic, the menu is disappearing.

Can you help me please because I loose a lot of time without this menu ?

Many thanks beforehands

Best Regards

Christophe Bourgois


phuonght's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 06:00


Could you send us your admin account? We would like to have a check on your site because we are still using admin_menu normally. Only when installing profile, we uninstall it and enable toolbar.

phuonght's picture
Mon, 10/26/2015 - 22:30

We just checked in recent log and found reason came from module "Module filter". We tried to disable it and verything worked well. You can download dev version of that module and check if it can fix error or disable it.

citananda's picture
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 03:41

Many thanks

Best Regards

Christophe Bourgois


citananda's picture
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 07:54


I have again the same problem, after a while the admin_menu disappear, and I do't see any message in admin/reports/dblog, did you found messages in another place ?

phuonght's picture
Wed, 10/28/2015 - 06:31

Please check your site and see if it works normally :)

citananda's picture
Wed, 10/28/2015 - 14:06

Great it works, can you tell me what you did so I can do it if I got the problem again ?

phuonght's picture
Wed, 10/28/2015 - 22:25

We just went to admin/config/administration/admin_menu, in tab performance, unchecked Cache menu in client-side browser.

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