Hello, I would like to be able to use the page template that is under the menu Home/one page/video autoplay.
I can't manage to change the éléments of the parallaxe page with AWEcontent. All those elements on the page are what I need for my website. I would like to replace Home BG Slider Full Height with the Home one video autoplay template. Please tell me how to proceed. Thank you
We will check and reply you soon :)
In clear, what I would like to do is replace index page index-bg-slider-fullheight with the video autoplay template.
Because we build site with awecontent so you could edit node to remove header video, then drag drop block "MD Header Slider Full Height" to node. It will be ok.
Thank you for your answer. In the side menu of AWEContent, there is no Header section that I can drag to my node. I want to replace the Header slider that is already ther with the Video Background. If I go to awe-content/templates/section, the Block Headers are not accessible. I manage to create a template with the video bakground page but how can I put it at the front of my site so I can see the result ? Thank you.
I realise that my question was not clear. What I want to do is the following:
I would like to have as main page for my website a template which is different from the default one. I have created one in the section Awe-content/templates which would suit my needs. So what I want is to select this template, make my default index page and start modifying from there.
If we are not mistaken, you would like to set your own index, would not you? You could go to admin/config/system/site-information, you will find it in "Front page".
thank you!