404 Page doesn't shown correctly

Xinrui's picture
Mon, 04/07/2014 - 14:04
404 Page doesn't shown correctly

Hi, I installed MD Magnum One-page Theme, I didn't modify other contents, then I test the 404 page, it looks like a video related 404 page, sadly, it doesn't have a clickable button, Then I change to Image Sildeshow 404 Page, I upload the Images, then I refresh it, The images don't appear either.

Then I :

Go to Content, create a Node, I got path: node/28

Go to System->Site Information->Error Pages-> 404 page, I enter node/28

However, the 404 page still overlap with my node/28, it keep the title I entered "404 Page Test", but the content still is page-404.tpl.php How should I make the 404 page works correctly?

I install the theme using the folder "md-magnum". So everything is setup as the theme designed to. The website URL is : <a href="http://new.care4yourfuture.org/">http://new.care4yourfuture.org/</a>

Thanks. Xinrui

crislee's picture
Mon, 04/07/2014 - 22:49


If you want to custom for 404 page or make specific page become 404 page.

Visit md_magnum theme folder -> templage -> change page--404.tpl.php to page--node-28.tpl.php

Thank you!

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