Hello Team,
Some other issues and I need your support please:
1- The site does not work correctly on ipad and on internet explorer (several glitches when navigating). Could you please have a look?
2- I can't add correctly the footer. if I would like to change the icon, it does not work. You can see, I have as Icon F, T and T. I could not change the one to instagram.
3- Again for the footer, if I would like a link to the term and conditions of the site. How I can add that? is it possible with your theme?
just as a reminder the website adress: http://tunimag.tn/star/
I guess you have already all the crednetials to log in.
1, We fixed. Check please.
2, Please download file at https://www.dropbox.com/s/0i5xc29occz2ew5/theme-settings-design.inc?dl=0 then copy to folder sites\all\themes\md_magnum\inc
3, Do not understand exactly what you mean but if you would like to change/ edit text in footer, just need to go to /admin/appearance/settings/md_magnum > tab "Design" > "Footer" > "Footer text display"
Many thanks. Issue 1 is closed.
for issue 3, if i would like to change
Footer Social Icon
in /admin/appearance/settings/md_magnum > tab "Design" > "Footer" then the icon is reset. you can try to change one of twitter icon to any other one and you will see the bug.
what I need is to create the condition and terms for the site but in another page. The link will be for the footer region but it will redirect me to another page.
let me give you an example: check this website, the term and conditions link in the footer:
You could send us your FTP account, we would like to check problem "Footer social icon".
And about "Term and conditions": just need to go to admin/appearance/settings/md_magnum > footer then edit Footer Text Display to "Term and conditions" and change link.
Thanks. I sent all the details by e-mail to support me.
Check your site please.
Sorry for the delay but for issue 2, it is not fixed.
below first of all all the icons are not displayed.
the menu feature when you reduce the window does not work correctly:
Could you please advise?
About icon, could you check again?
Menu problem: fixed already.