I meet a problem with a blog page: http://ubiquid.org/actualit%C3%A9s
First : I don’t understand the error notices on the page
Second : why are the fields in this order (multimedia – Title – Post Date) despite I changed it in the back office (see picture below)?
Thanks for helping me,
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account by comment form? We would like to have a check.
Please remembet to check "Private message" for security reason.
Check your site please. Just fixed all problems for you :)
Thanks for the error messages.
Nonetheless, I can still see 2 problemes :
- The order for the blog page isn't the right one. I want : 1) Date , 2) Title, 3) Multimedia but I see now 1) Multimedia, 2) Title, 3) Date. Thanks for fixing it.
- Concerning the infos I ticked on the portfolio load content pages, you forgot one title (under the picture, see screenshot below). And could you do the same deletings for all the loadcontent pages of the website (http://ubiquid.org/expertises for instance)?
- 1st problem: please go to sites\all\themes\md_leaders\templates\views\blog\blog, open file views-view-fields--leaders-blog-page.tpl.php to edit/change the order for your blog page.
- 2nd problem: done
Thanks but could you do thesame deletings for all the 3 folowwing pages : http://ubiquid.org/expertises#cbp=/md-portfolio/loadcontent/full/62, http://ubiquid.org/expertises#cbp=/md-portfolio/loadcontent/full/63, http://ubiquid.org/expertises#cbp=/md-portfolio/loadcontent/full/64?
We have done already.
Next time, you could go to admin/structure/types to manage display of each content type :)
Thanks for the tips
How do I change the adress on the map page?
Please go to theme setting, tab Display/ Map, you could find where to edit map.
I don't get why I have error messages on the following pages, despite everything works exactly as expected.
http://ubiquid.org/expertises, http://ubiquid.org/engagement, http://ubiquid.org/actualit%C3%A9s, http://ubiquid.org/post-date/201506, http://ubiquid.org/post-date/201503
Could you delete these messages ?
Besides, on this page (http://ubiquid.org/blog/salon-synerpa-2015) I don't understand why there is still a tag and a white area, despite I removed it from the view. Can you delete it?
We will check and reply you soon :)
Could you do the checkings?
Could you do the checkings?
Hi Hlarousse,
Please check your site. Just fixed all problems already :)
Hi Phuonght,
Thanks a lot!