Notice:Unserialize (): Error set of 104 of 104 bytes in variables_initialize()
Did you make any update or doing something?
yep I updated the core of drupal and some modules too, you can see that in the log messages I can provide you the credentials if you like
Please run your_domain/update.php to update database then check if problem still exists.
still got the same error after running update.php too
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 104 of 104 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1209 of ..../docroot/includes/
So please send us your site admin account by private comment.
Thank you.
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Notice:Unserialize (): Error set of 104 of 104 bytes in variables_initialize()
Did you make any update or doing something?
yep I updated the core of drupal and some modules too, you can see that in the log messages I can provide you the credentials if you like
Please run your_domain/update.php to update database then check if problem still exists.
still got the same error after running update.php too
Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 104 of 104 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1209 of ..../docroot/includes/
So please send us your site admin account by private comment.
Thank you.