i change the prices of the rooms and i put different prices on different dates.
When i search and check avaliability from the home page the prices not changed on list page
until choose a unit
As understood, this is causes comfusion to the visitors and i want the price to change automatically.
Also it will better if the default unit change to 1
Can you fix that?
Here is the screenshot for base prices
and here is when i choose a unit to 1
Also can you tell me how to rename bookable unit type without cause problems?
I want to rename "Couple room" to "Double Bed Apartment"
and "Standard room" to "Triple Bed Apartment"
We can not change price as you would like because total price (the price appears after choosing unit) is base price plus other fees that you set up on system. About default unit, we will check again and notify you if we can change from 0 to 1.
To rename BOOK UNIT, please go to admin/rooms/units/unit-types/manage/couple_room, edit in "Unit type name" (do not change Machine name).
Always remember to backup database + source code before any work.
Thank you.
i dont have other fees and if you can change price with the selected price from the search menu, do it
If you cant do it that ( i would preffered that) then can you add the text "Starting Room From" over the price before choose the unit ?
I change the Unit type namand i have the same problem if search from home page check avaliability menu. Can you tell me how to fix that to do it myself?
Just went to /admin/rooms/config/bookings, tab "Room Availability Search Settings", change value at field "Maximum group size to display".
About "Starting Room From", we added, check please.
Hi, thank you
I change the value to 5 and after that its ok for a time but later when search again display me the same message " to change the dates" and again i change the value to 4 and now its ok.
I dont understand how to work that. I will need to change value continuity?
Do not know why but we search and site shows 2 types of room normally.