I translate web with FlawlesHotel theme to other two languages.
I've created other contact webforms (en/contact, cs/contact, de/contact), but wrapper with address and map and description 'This is Contact' is located only on /en/contact.
Is there any way to locate wrap and description on cs/contact and de/contact?
Last question: can I translate button text? For example 'SEE DETAIL'.
Thanks for your answer.
Please take a look at https://www.drupal.org/project/stringoverrides. We recommend that you should use that module to solve your problems. It will help you translate your site better.
Thanks for your reply, I'll try it
However, is there any way to appear wrapper with address and map on other nodes?
It will be solved too when using String Overrides module. Has it worked well yet?
No, module String Overide doesn't work on change 'See Map', but I solved it differently.
I have one more question: how can I change default currency. From $ to Kč
Please go to admin/commerce/config/currency. You can change default currency here.