I'd like to remove or at least disable the loading screen for this theme, can you please assist?
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
Could you send us your site url, admin account and FTP account (forum link as well) to our support email: [email protected]?
We would like to do it for you.
Unfortunately our site it not accessible externally, is there another method which this could work?
Here is a suggestion for you:
Please go to file style.css of Chulan theme, line 97, find #main
Is it also possible to disable the loading screen for the blog section? When i click Blog; it shows the loading screen again and starts on top again.
Please send us your site url, admin and FTP accounts by comment form (remember to check "Private message" for security reason). We would like to have a check.
Sorry David,
It was on weekend and we needed more time to work on your problem.
Here is suggestion for you:
1. Open file scripts.js(md_chulan/js/front), uncomment/delete the following code:
loaderVPos: '50%',
autoClose: true
function() {
$('h1.animtext').textillate({ in: { effect: 'flipInX',delayScale: 2.5 } });
setTimeout( function(){
2. Open file style.css(md_chulan/css/front):
+ Line 97: edit/change opacity: 0 to opacity: 1;
+ Line 254: insert opacity: 1 !important;
On the otherhand; it's no problem i think if you see the loading screen; as long as it doesnt start on the main page section anymore.
When i click on Blog; it loads (that is no problem), and goes to the main section where you see the Links on the left and the video on the right. I would like to see it goe directly after loading to the blog section, instead of scrolling manual to it.
On your site, when we click "Blog" on menu and it goes to another page but not a section on main page as others. Would you like to check again?
What i meant is that i click on Blog; it loads, and then you see the main section again with the Links on the left, with About, Resume etc. and the video on the right being displayed. when you scroll down, you see the blog section.
What i want to see is that when you click on Blog; It loads and shows direct the blog section. You then don't need to scroll down.
Great example is when you are on the Blog, and then click About; It Loads again, and you see the About section directly; wihtout the need of scrolling down.
I hope that this clarify's
So you can do this way:
1. Open file page--blog.tpl.php(md_chulan/template): delete the following code
<!--=============== intro ===============-->
<!--=============== navigation ===============-->
<div class="nav-holder">
<?php if($page['left_header']): ?>
<?php print render($page['left_header']);?>
<?php endif;?>
</div><!--=============== navigation end ===============-->
<!--=============== text-ticker-holder ===============-->
<div class="text-ticker-holder">
<?php if($page['right_header']): ?>
<?php print render($page['right_header']);?>
<?php endif;?>
</div><!--=============== text-ticker-holder>
</div><!--=============== intro end ===============-->
2. Open file style.css(md_chulan/css/front): at the end of file, insert
.page-blog #wrapper {
top: 0;
save and clear cache
It works; but only i would like to have the loading screen back when you click Blog. Now it loads directly without the Loading bar that comes above, you know what i mean?
So it's Oke; it shows the blog section directly, but i want it also to 'load' it with Loading 100%.
You can see it when you click Blog; it shows the Blog. Then you click left on for example on About, and it loads nice and flows nice in to the screen.
I would like to have the same for Blog
If you would like there is loading screen when click Blog and after that, it goes to "Blog", just undo everything you did following the comment #9. Loading screen will comeback.
I think i made a misunderstanding.
The problem was as follows; when i clicked on blog; it loads and shows the movie again. i had to scroll down to see the blog.
After i did comment#9; when i click Blog; it doesn't load, but it shows the blog directly; i don't have to scroll down.
What is want is both of them; so when i click blog; it loads and shows blog directly; i don't have to scroll down.
hope this helps :)
Please open file page--blog.tpl.php:
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="main">
We tried to edit that file but server notified that we could not change/edit so we can only give you instruction.
Yes fantastic! that's it! thank you very much; it works now as intended.
Thank you