Webform confirmation page problems

circus's picture
Mon, 04/28/2014 - 11:07
Webform confirmation page problems

hi there,

Love the theme. However, experiencing issues with the webform confirmation functionality.

I get a blank page when I select 'confirmation page' as the final URL. When I select refresh page there is no message (I have messages turned on in config).

Even in your demo, one sees the message: 'you have submitted blah blah', but the main menu functionality is then disabled -- can't go anywhere after receiving that confirmation message on its page. Menu links cease to function, I assume because the URL change to a regular page kicks one out of the javascript siteurl/content#... function.

? Thanks!

cindy's picture
Tue, 04/29/2014 - 06:36

Firstly, thanks for your concern in our product
Currently, we are spending our national holiday and will be back next Monday
Thus, you might have to wait for a couple days
We will respond you as soon as possible

crislee's picture
Fri, 05/02/2014 - 10:21


Send me your email info to [email protected]

I'll give you fixed version.


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