Webform not working

neolidas's picture
Wed, 04/09/2014 - 04:54
Webform not working

I can't send webform from my site. Emails adress are completed.
Whene I go in admin/structure/contact form i have an error message:

PDOException: SQLSTATE[42S02]: Base table or view not found: 1146 Table 'dominiqukdrupal.contact' doesn't exist: SELECT c.cid AS cid, c.category AS category, c.recipients AS recipients, c.selected AS selected FROM {contact} c ORDER BY weight ASC, category ASC; Array ( ) in contact_category_list() (line 26 of /homez.644/dominiquk/www/boom-onepage/modules/contact/contact.admin.inc).

Can you help me ? I'm not familiar with sql...

thanks !

neolidas's picture
Wed, 04/09/2014 - 05:17

I have uninstal and reinstall de contact module.
Now i Hav this message when i try to send a contact form : Notice: Undefined index: features in menu_block_view() (line 486 of /homez.644/dominiquk/www/boom-onepage/modules/menu/menu.module)

crislee's picture
Thu, 04/10/2014 - 07:13


We're using Webform module for this theme.

You can visit Content -> Find Webform -> Edit -> Look for Webform menu in right top of page. So you can change setting like email, component.. in that page.

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