Add new content - scroll to path jquery

nhughes_arma's picture
Thu, 03/30/2017 - 16:06
Add new content - scroll to path jquery

I've added three content areas, but I can't add them to the scroll to path section of the menu.

phuonght's picture
Fri, 03/31/2017 - 05:32


For example. to add CONTENT 7 section:

1. open file\all\themes\md_boom), add line 

regions[content_7] = Content 7 

below line 

regions[content_6] = Content 6

Save file

2. open file page--front.tpl.php(sites\all\themes\md_boom\template), add code

<?php if($page['content_7']) : ?>
<div> <?php print render($page['content_7']);?>
<?php endif;?>

to place where you would like content to display

Save file

3. Open file md_boom_module.module(sites\all\modules\custom\md_boom_module), line 251, add 

'#content7' => t('Content 7'),

below line

'#content6' => t('Content 6'),

Save file

4. Go to admin/config/development/performance, clear Drupal Cache

5. Go to admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu, add new menu,. In section "Jquery ScrollTo Path", select CONTENT 7 > Save

6. Back to frontend to check.

Note: backup source code and database before doing anything

nhughes_arma's picture
Fri, 03/31/2017 - 16:43

Thanks!  That worked perfectly!  Is there a way to remove the logo in the menu and make the menu wider?

khoa's picture
Mon, 04/03/2017 - 05:27


Please open onepage.css file(sites/all/themes/md_boom/css/) and add this code at the bottom of that file

#navigation .logo {
display: none;

#navigation #menu {
width: 100%;
nhughes_arma's picture
Tue, 04/04/2017 - 10:55

Thanks!  That worked!

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