I added a new filed "Phonenumber" to my contacts in the Our Team block. I wanted to have name, profession, socialicons and a new filed I called phonenumber. I managed to create it and added it to block details and added it to manage fields and manage display but it does not show up on my webpage: http://laxa-a-asum.is/laxa/
Sat, 11/07/2015 - 05:07
If you would like to add new field in Our Team:
- please go to /admin/structure/types/manage/about-us/fields add field
- go to admin/structure/views/view/our_team/edit/block to add field
- change/edit template in views-view-fields--our-team--block.tpl.php.
Please open file views-view-fields--our-team--block.tpl.php,
after line 35, insert:
Please check your site. If you would like to change/ edit webform, please go to /node/12/webform.
Again, thank you so much.
Now "Our Team" only has two members (so far). Is there a way to center the About us/Our Team users that are posted there? They are only two and are aligned to the left.
Best regards
Please open file custom.js (folder js/boomone), line 242
in that function, replace all "4" with "2" (at line 246, 250, 251)
If it still does not work, you could send us your FTP account by private comment.
Hello again and thank you so much for all the help.
My newest problem is that in the Gallery (portfolio) there are the lables Category, Location, Skills and Date. Is there a way to get rid of those labels so they wont be visible when you click on a image in the gallery? Maybe even take out the whole right side with all the text so the image itself is in the middle and no description or text to the right.
Also there seem to be arrows over the photos that don't work. Can I take those out? There are arrows on each side next to the photos that work so I don't need the one over the photo.
Best regards
To remove fields, arrows,... please go to file node--portfolio.tpl.php (sites\all\themes\md_boom\template), delete lines: from 87 to 92, from 94 to 96, from 98 to 100.
If it still does not work, please add following CSS code to file style.css:
.pf-detail-meta, .pf-detail-prev, .pf-detail-next{display: none !important}
Again thank you so much.
One qucik question. Is there a way to insert a facebook feed on the page insted of the Twitter?
Please take a look at module https://www.drupal.org/project/facebook_wall.