1. i have just installed the theme and change the slider images but it still shows a background with the default image 1680x900.
2. The slider do not display the selected font when i see the slider as a visitor although in the edit screen i see the correct font.
2. After the module update when i try to edti the slider i get this error : Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in /home/***/public_html/new/sites/all/modules/custom/md_fullscreen_slider/inc/md_fullscreen_slider.utils.inc on line 442
Not sure which version of MD Fullscreenslider are you using
We send you the latest version to your email
Please try to update first and then confirm us whether it solves your problem
Hello, i did the update but nothing changed. It cause one more problem by resizing the background image to fullscreen. Now the image looks "low quality" as it size is larger than the actual size.
We check your site already
The problem is that you do not uploade background image. You add an image to your silde and stretch it to make it background
Please upload background image by clicking on the cogwheel icon on Slide name. See the screenshot below:
Also, we do not see the Fatal error on edit page of MD Fullscreen Slider anymore?
Everything fine with the background image. The only problem that still exists is the font style. In the edit screen i see the correct but when i see the website as a visitor it doesnt display the right font.