I want to change logo link. By default it is #top. I want change to another. Where can i change this. I try modify "sites\all\themes\md_boom\template\page.tpl.php" and "sites\all\themes\md_boom\template\page--front.tpl.php" - line: "<a class="logo" href="http://www.google.pl"><img src="<?php print $GLOBALS['base_url'] . '/' .drupal_get_path('theme','md_boom').'/sub-logo.png'?>"/></a>" but not working. Pls help. Thx.
Wed, 04/22/2015 - 02:51
You can change in file page.tpl.php
thx, in page.tpl.php i can't chang this, i find another file. I have another question.
Where can I change the display gallery on prettyPhoto after clicking on the picture ?