Whil enabling the modules the following error is being thrown, and the site cannot be accessed -
Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '256' reached, aborting! in D:\wamp64\www\syscononepage\includes\database\database.inc on line 751
What can be the reason?
You can please disable xdebug of wamp or increase value max_nesting_level. Also, please take a look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17488505/php-error-maximum-function-n...
Changed the nesting level to 400 and still the error comes.
Changed the nesting level to 400 and still the error comes.
On anothe note, instead of using the standard modules given in the theme, can we download the latest stable versions from the drupal site and use?
No Response???
It is the only solution that we can recommend. This problem is from your server and we can not do anything. You can also please search keyword "Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level", all related results will show that you need to re-configure server.