Make slider image full width not full height on mobile?

henri_ique's picture
Tue, 10/25/2016 - 12:24
Make slider image full width not full height on mobile?

Is there a way that I could have the full width of the images display on mobile? When there are faces in the slider, they never crop well. 

I only care that the image is full-width not full height.


cindy's picture
Wed, 10/26/2016 - 03:38


The theme uses MD Fullscreen Slider, which means the slider will be full-width and full-height on every device. The option full-height cannot be ignored. Each device has its own screen size, so the images cannot be displayed in the same way on different view sizes. (You just need to check on vertical (portrait) or horizontal (landscape) view mode of your mobile)

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