Text format problem

grigorovmart's picture
Sun, 02/28/2016 - 02:14
Text format problem

Hi MegaDrupal!

I am using 2 content types: Portfolio and Cardiology (self-made) to create nodes. I managed to display them both on a view: MD Portfolio. But when I click on the nodes created by Content Type: Cardiology the text is unformated. What is the reason for that? Should I create addiction block or something?

Here's a screenshot:

nodes - text format problem

Looking forward to hearing from you! You guys are the best!

Best regards,



cindy's picture
Tue, 03/01/2016 - 04:31


When you create a new content type, you have to use the same fields of MD Portfolio (add to your new content type)


you have to customise: copy file Node--Full-Popup.Tpl.Php and Node--Inline-Popup.Tpl.Php ( in folder Sites\All\Modules\Custom\Md_portfolio\Templates\ ) to folder template in folder Themes (all/themes/md.... /templates) and customise more based on your new content type

Because MD Portfolio is not automatically compatible with your own new custom file

grigorovmart's picture
Wed, 03/02/2016 - 11:04

Actually I don't have this module in the custom folder.

I went to: \sites\all\themes\md_bigstream\templates\node and copied node--portfolio.tpl.php then renamed it to my new content type: node--cardiology.tpl.php. I also renamed node--project-ajax--portfolio.tpl.php to node--project-ajax--cardiology.tpl.php

Nothing happened until I cleared the cache. Now everything is okay. Thank you very much for the assistance!
Have a great day!

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