I installed the Drupal Big Stream theme (7.x 1.0) on a LAMP stack recently (after I bought it) and I did setup the first pages.
Bundled with is is the Drupal MD FullScreen Slider 7.x-2.2 module. The server runs PHP 5.4.41-0+deb7u1, Apache2 with mod_php and as far as I can see it there are no errors but 1:
1.) When I go Structure -> MD FullScreen sliders the page just stops. The screen remains white and the Dev console of the browser shows a 500.
2.) I check the respective logs of the server:
In the Apache error log I see:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in /var/www6/sites/all/modules/custom/md_fullscreen_slider/inc/md_fullscreen_slider.utils.inc on line 442
3.) I check for the code
* Callback function to include mediaBrowser.js
function _md_fullscreen_slider_include_media_browser_js() {
static $included;
if ($included) {
$included = TRUE;
module_load_include('inc', 'media', 'includes/media.browser');
$javascript = media_browser_js(); // here is the problem
foreach ($javascript as $key => $definitions) {
foreach ($definitions as $definition) {
$function = 'drupal_add_' . $key;
call_user_func_array($function, $definition);
// Add wysiwyg-specific settings.
$settings = array('wysiwyg_allowed_attributes' => variable_get('media__wysiwyg_allowed_attributes', array('height', 'width', 'hspace', 'vspace', 'border', 'align', 'style', 'class', 'id', 'usemap', 'data-picture-group', 'data-picture-align')));
drupal_add_js(array('media' => $settings), 'setting');
Apparently there is an issue with this... can someone help me with this? It is part of the fullscreen slider module. media_browser_js() is probably a deprecated function. I have to research this... however I guess that bug somehow got into the release pipeline for me.
Please check your email for the updated version of md fullscreen slider
I am also having this same problem, can you also email me the updated version? I cannot edit my MD Sliders without getting the "PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function media_browser_js() in" Error. THanks!
Please check your email
hi Cindy
i also purchased MD BOOM and the slider is giving me the 500 error too.
i have the 2.0 version. i would like the update please for this module
Please check your email Devv69
I have the same problem with MDSliders, I can't create nor edit any slider.
Thank you
Hi Valeriamalacasa,
Do not know which version of MD Slider you are using but we have some solution at below topic: http://megadrupal.com/forum/module-support/mega-slider/1977.
Have you tried with it?