Portfolio thumb and images

lolhonk's picture
Tue, 05/12/2015 - 17:28
Portfolio thumb and images


i dont understand why you separate between thumb and image in the portfolio? Why you dont make the thumb from the main image via image styles? I have to create a lot of portfolio content and thats a lot more work when i have to upload a thumb image each time too...

Is it possible to make the portfolio view only with one image field? Thanks for help!


cindy's picture
Wed, 05/13/2015 - 23:09


Because we have some different types of porfolio with differnt views

Image, thumbnail and multimedia are different. You can see here:

Image title

So, if you don't want to show image, you can ignore it (do not upload)

lolhonk's picture
Thu, 05/14/2015 - 16:22

What i mean is this:

Image title

What i need is portfolio-2 view. When i click on thumb. Not the same image is opening, but the image from field: picture

Image title

thats why i need to upload thumb AND the other image. And thats a lot of work when you have to add 500++ portfolio content. Is it possible to have only one field and generate thumb automatically via image style?

thanks for helping!


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