I can't change the colour with the colour picker at all. The dot won't move. If I key in a hex or RGB value, the colour in the picker display changes, but is never applied to the slider. My text box is still transparent.
I've updated all the Mega Drupal modules that Avendor uses, but nothing has changed. I need to go live with this site, but I can't until I can get this working.
I discovered that the colour picker does work in Microsoft Edge, but not in Chrome. I hate Edge, but it will get me by until it is fixed to work in Chrome.
The latest version of Fullscreen slider is 7.x-2.4 and it fixed this problem already. Which version are you using now?
You can also please go to you account page for updated Fullscreen and try to clear cache after updating.
I'm not sure what to say. It didn't work on Chrome when I posted this, then it worked on Chrome yesterday. Today it isn't working agian.