Since update of modules, I have a repeated list in "section list" when editing or creating content.
The list is correct in admin/awe-content/templates/section and in the database.
Could you help ?
Thx in advance.
Since update of modules, I have a repeated list in "section list" when editing or creating content.
The list is correct in admin/awe-content/templates/section and in the database.
Could you help ?
Thx in advance.
No Universal solution fits all special business requirements. Our experienced team is ready with ideas and state-of-the-art technical solutions to consult the best solution within your budget.
Which version of Awecontent are you using? The latest one is 7.x-1.4 that you can download from your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/mdegembe). If it is 1.4 already then please send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment. We would like to have a check.
Thank you.