Drupal 7.50 and missing files, md_flick_twitter and simplehtmldom

jerlyon's picture
Mon, 07/25/2016 - 15:51
Drupal 7.50 and missing files, md_flick_twitter and simplehtmldom

I updated to the latest core and am now seeing the following errors.

The following module is missing from the file system: <em            [warning]class="placeholder">md_flick_twitter</em>. In order to fix this, putthe module back in its original location. For more information, see<a href="https://www.drupal.org/node/2487215">the documentationpage</a>. bootstrap.inc:1128
The following module is missing from the file system: <em [warning]class="placeholder">simplehtmldom</em>. In order to fix this, put themodule back in its original location. For more information, see <ahref="https://www.drupal.org/node/2487215">the documentationpage</a>. bootstrap.inc:1128

These are not modules I've removed. Should I just follow the Drupal documentation to remove the references of them from the DB?

phuonght's picture
Mon, 07/25/2016 - 22:55


Please do not worry and just follow documentation to remove them. 

bluenadas's picture
Wed, 08/24/2016 - 12:54

For anyone else comming here, I'm running Drupal 7 and installed the module_missing_message_fixer module.

After enabling the new module, navigate to Admin > Config > System > Missing Module Message Fixer...click "fix" and you're done

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