Hi MD,
Would you please tell me how to change the site background image. I would like to replace the image that came with the demo site (above).
Thank you,
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Please go to Theme settings (/admin/appearance/settings/md_avendor) > tab "Pages" and change background of page in "Page title" or background of page contentype in "Page contentype title".
Hi Phuonght,
I followed the instruction; however, the background image did not take effect. After loading new images, I cleared cache and also tried different web-browser. I did change both "Page Contenttype Title" and "Page Title".
Is there something else I can try?
I am developing this on my localhost.
Same here. I have changed the default background image in the folder /sites/mysite/themes/md_avendor/images/parallax-back13.jpg with a new one. Is not the better solution but it work.
Hi Kikko,
You can send us your site admin account by private comment, we would like to have a check then fix it for you.
I've found that the only way to change the image for a content type is to set the title for the whole content type as well. How can I change the image, but retian the individual titles? I've noticed that putting <none> removes the whole section. Is there some sort of replacement token that would deal with this?
Actually... That doesn't work for blogs.
So which page you want to change image?
Changing individual pages works, so that's not an issue. I can't change individual pages for every product in the store, or every blog post, however. Those I want to change for the whole content type.
So you have to to go to admin/appearance/settings/md_avendor, tab PAGES -> PAGE TITLE and change header background for node.
That changes an individual page. I want to use the "Page Contenttype Title" tab to change the paralax image for ALL blogs and ALL shop products, but I don't want to override the title of the individual nodes.
So please send us your site admin account by private comment.
Thank you.
This is how your entire forum seems to work. No one gets to see what the answer was. Please put your thoughts in the forum so that others might benefit from the answer.