Add to Cart

jcrown41's picture
Thu, 03/31/2016 - 23:38
Add to Cart

Hello once more,

The site is just about done and my client is really loving the theme.
He however was asking if it was possible to make the add to cart button bigger, or perhaps make the whole area clickable instead of only the small icon.
Also, I add captchas to the site an they are all rendering well, except for the one on the contact page. It render at the bottom instead of below the contact form. Could you kindly help me have a look at it?


cindy's picture
Fri, 04/01/2016 - 03:42


Thanks for sending us the information also

About your 1st request: " make the add to cart button bigger, or perhaps make the whole area clickable instead of only the small icon", which Add to Cart button are you talking about? On homepage or product Detail page like /product/golden-penny-semovita? and which is "the whole area"?

jcrown41's picture
Fri, 04/01/2016 - 08:45

Thank you for the speedy reply. 
I was referring to the add to cart button on the teaser display. e.g the slider on the homepage, the products page etc. Regarding the area I was asking to be clickable, I have highlighted it using a red box. (the area inside the red box is made clickable)

Image title

Also, the search results display a list of titles with summary, I wanted them to also display in the teaser format like in the picture above. I tried doing this by myself but it did not work. could you help me out. 

Kind regards,

phuonght's picture
Tue, 04/05/2016 - 00:14


  • Add to cart button: done!

  • Captcha at contact form: done!

  • Search result: Sorry, we can not make search result display as you would like. 

jcrown41's picture
Tue, 04/05/2016 - 09:21

Thank you very much.

about the search results, No problem. 

Thanks again for your help.

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