Change Site Text Color

kcoonce's picture
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 16:50
Change Site Text Color


I am trying to change the text color of avendor.  I would like to make it a little darker, as is sometimes hard to see.  I tried going to Administration >> Appearance >> Settings >> Text & Typography and then changing the text color to #141414, but the text on all the pages stays the same.  Is there a specific css file or specific way that I should be going about this?


phuonght's picture
Mon, 03/07/2016 - 23:22


Please open file md_avendor\sites\all\themes\md_avendor\theme_setting\front\, line 186

// Text & Typo
$typography = '';
// common text
if (theme_get_setting('text_font') || theme_get_setting('ts_font_color')) {
$typography = "body {";
$typography .= md_ambrosia_font_to_css(theme_get_setting('text_font'));
if (theme_get_setting('ts_font_color')) {
$typography .= 'color: #' . theme_get_setting('ts_font_color') . ';';
$typography .= "}\n";

remove "#" at color section and save.

Then you can change/ edit text color in theme settings normally.

kcoonce's picture
Tue, 03/08/2016 - 17:33

Thank you.  That worked.

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