target & loading issues

DRD84's picture
Tue, 01/12/2016 - 06:13
target & loading issues


Awesome theme, but I'm having some troubles using the AWECONTENT editor.

2 main concerns: linking & loading. I tried to explain as good as possible below:

Linking issues


> When I'm inserting a button and use default target settings (do not open in new window) and then save, the link opens in a new window
> When I edit the node again to edit the button and click on the pencil to edit the button, 1) the buttontext dissapears + 2) changing the button 'open in new window' to on or off doesn't do anything, it keeps on opening in a new window? We should be able to choose this ourselves.



On the homepage there's the social media header

> when changing the urls, the icons dissapeared / were not visible anymore, the tooltip still was (on hover) , but the icons should always be visible

> I managed to solve this problem by deleting the old icons and make new ones, but this should off course work with the normal way of working

> any clues on what caused this?


On another page I have some teammembers with 1 social icon enabled (linkedin). 

> when clicked on this button, this one opens in the same page whilst the target should be _blank

> I see no options to change this? How can I make these links/pages open in a new window?



When I add a gallery, there is only the option to delete the item or to add a caption

> in one of the nodes that came with the demo install, there was also shown a link field which I could only recreate by duplicating this layer

> how can I insert a gallery where I can add links to the images too (without having to duplicate content  from the demo profile) ?

Loading issue


On the portfolio page (using grid classic 3)

> I changed the option in views to display all items instead of 9

> now when the page loads, not all items are shown directly but on scrolling down with the mouse. that's fine BUT when I click one of the taxonomy terms above to filter the results, only the items that were already loaded are shown. The items that weren't loaded yet will never be shown, also when you scroll down (after clicking the term) there aren't appearing new items. 

> how can this issue be solved? 


Any clues on how to solve these issues?
Let me know if you need more info

thanks in advance!


mcseufer's picture
Tue, 01/12/2016 - 09:55

I'm having the same issue.  I'm using AWEContent with the Ariva theme.

I can confirm that adding a new button opens the link in a new window, even if the "open in new window" box is not checked.

phuonght's picture
Wed, 01/13/2016 - 22:10

Hi there,

1. Buttons open link in a new window: 

please go to your account page to download an updated file of awecontent.

2. Social icons disappearing problem: 

In file sites/all/modules/custom/md_block_custom/add_more/js/moreicon.js, line 65


self.formDialog.find('.choose-icon').data(-value', iconValue);


self.formDialog.find('.choose-icon').attr('data-value', iconValue);

3. Social icon in "Member" open link in new window:

Please update attached file in our email to sites/all/modules/custom/md_ac_avendor/templates/awe-user.tpl.php

4. Insert gallery where images can be added link: 

We do not support this function. Object gallery is only used to show gallery, there is no option "link to url".

5. Loading portfolio problem:

We have an updated file of theme. Please go to your account page to download. 

DRD84's picture
Thu, 01/14/2016 - 06:57

Hi Phuonght,

Thanks for the fixes, most of it works!

There's only one issue still open: the loading problem on the portfolio page.

  • I downloaded and installed the update of the theme, but this doesn't solve the problem

  • the problem can be seen here:

    • when you scroll down, all the items are shown and will also be shown when using the filter of the taxonomy terms

    • when you don't scroll down and use one of the taxonomy terms filters directly, only the items that were already loaded are shown.

      • if I take for example 'Cities' and click on the term, nothing is shown at first.  When I scroll down (which isn't very likely a customer would do) I see appearing 1 item (whilst there are 2)

      • when you scroll down on the experience page without filtering and after that apply the filter 'Cities' you will see 2 results.

Can you please help me out on how to solve this issue?

If you have questions or the issue isn't clear to you, let me know

Thanks in advance


DRD84's picture
Mon, 01/18/2016 - 03:48

Hi Phuonght,

Do you have any updates on this last issue?


phuonght's picture
Mon, 01/18/2016 - 05:55

Sorry for taking your time.

However, it was on weekend and we still need more time to work with this problem.

We will reply ASAP. 

DRD84's picture
Mon, 01/18/2016 - 10:24

Ok thanks!

Just discovered that Internet Explorer doesn't even load more than 9 items .... beneath everything is just white...

The same happens in Safari.

Firefox and Chrome don't seem to have this problem

Image title

DRD84's picture
Mon, 02/08/2016 - 04:12

Hi Phuonght,

Any updates on this? We're a few weeks further by now...


phuonght's picture
Sun, 02/14/2016 - 23:51

Sorry for our delay.

We just came back from Tet holiday. Could you send us your FTP account? And we can not access your site at the moment also. 

phuonght's picture
Fri, 02/19/2016 - 05:26

Sorry for taking a long time but our developer is still working in your site. 

DRD84's picture
Mon, 02/29/2016 - 04:16

Hi Phuonght, 

Any updates on this issue?


phuonght's picture
Mon, 02/29/2016 - 05:45

Hi DRD84,

Sorry for taking a long time. Our developer has not found any good solution to sovle your problem yet so we can not inform any news. 

Because he is trying hard so please be patient and wait for some more time.

Again, sorry for our delay.

DRD84's picture
Sun, 03/06/2016 - 12:28

Hi Phuonght, is your developer making any progress? We're almost 2 months further...


DRD84's picture
Tue, 03/15/2016 - 10:52

Hi Phuonght, can you please update me? Thx

DRD84's picture
Fri, 05/20/2016 - 09:43

Well this is very dissapointing! I have been waiting very patiently and for a long time... And untill now no updates, nor solutions and well... isn't that convenient: my support is not valid anymore and I need to buy extra support (for not getting solutions?)

Any reaction or reason for not solving the problem would be much appreciated

phuonght's picture
Mon, 05/23/2016 - 03:47

Sorry for our delay,

Because some problems occured when working, we could not reply sooner.

Please check demo at following links:
and if our solution works well, you can send us your site admin account and FTP account by private comment, we wil fix problem for you as promised earlier. 

phuonght's picture
Tue, 05/24/2016 - 03:50

Please check your site.

Our developer updated 3 following files:

+ /sites/all/themes/md_avendor/js/md_avendor.js
+ /sites/all/themes/md_avendor/js/view_load/views_load_more.js
+ //sites/all/themes/md_avendor/js/themejsjquery.isotope.min.js

DRD84's picture
Thu, 06/23/2016 - 06:04

Ok thanks phuonght, this works!

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