i got separate problem and i hope you cn help me!
1. I can not use my own logo. I get the error "The custom logo path is invalid." Picture is uploaded but it dont work.
2. problem is that i can not remove this text "Sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit sed quia quuntur." from the pricing table.
3. i made some basic pages with url alias but the alias ist not working. I got 404 errors
I will give you in a seperate posting the url, ftp account and admin account to the site.
I hope you can find the errors
1. I can not use my own logo. I get the error "The custom logo path is invalid." Picture is uploaded but it dont work.
=> fixed already
2. problem is that i can not remove this text "Sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit sed quia quuntur." from the pricing table.
=> Please check your email
3. i made some basic pages with url alias but the alias ist not working. I got 404 errors
=> Please check settings admin/config/search/path. For ex, node/163 url works only when the current language of your site is German
The defautl language in your site is English.
Thank you, issue 1. and 3. are fixed! Issue nr.2 is still there. I have uploaded the file, clear all caches and the error is still alive. (also on a new made pricing table)
I have one more question. How can i change the gmaps button(block MD Site: Gmaps) from "locate us on map" to "what i want put in there"
sry 4 my english
Please check your site again. We just tried to go to prcing table and awecontent and they seem to work normally.
about "Locate us on map": please go to \sites\all\themes\md_avendor\templates\page, open file of page you would like and change.
What's the problem that I do not get help. The error is still there and a new error has come with the file that I should upload.
Please check your site and try clear cache browser or you could use console (F12) to check if any error and send screenshot to us.
Clearing Browsercache was the solution. Thank you for your help!
Problem occured because site still uses an old logo file that you uploaded before but it was deleted in folder default. We fixed it. Please check.
How was the custom logo path issue solved? I'm getting it to. It doesn't matter if I upload a logo, or select one that's already on the site. Same error message
The file name wasn't changing. I renamed my new file to the name of the file that it was stuck on (yes it had been deleted). The filename wasn't changing as a result of uploading a new file. It's working now.