using the profile installation on a multisite environment, the directory files is copied in /sites/default/files instead of sites/new_site/files, which could cause problems with preexisting installed sites, mixing up the files.
The problem happen also in example.com/admin/config/media/file-system in the field Public file system path, which in the database is set to sites/default/files
I see also that in md_avendor/theme_settings/front/page.preprocess.inc, function md_avendor_preprocess_maintenance_page(&$vars) {
at the line 164 you write: drupal_add_css('sites/default/files/icon/fontello/awesome/css/awesome.css');
I think I have to change with the right path. Do I or you have a better solution?
I have to see at other files for fill the right path?
Ps. Don't ask me username, psw and ftp, cause I'm not on production server. Thanks again.
Thank you for your feedback. We will check it and reply ASAP :)
We checked and found a solution:
- Please create a folder name "Font" in theme then copy font to that folder.
- In file md_avendor/theme_settings/front/page.preprocess.inc, replace
drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/font/awesome/css/awesome.css');
Thank and sorry for the delay in reply