Hello, when I try to add a new top level menu item to the pre-installed "Mega Main Menu", I am not able to. I get the pop up form, but when I complete it and click "Add", It doesn't do anything. In addition, it does not give me an error message.
Can you help with this?
We just send you the updated version of MD Megamenu
Please check your email and see if it works
I have tested this and while it did allow me to now add a new top level item, broke the display of the featured projects, blog, twitter, and locate us expanding gmap sections. I reverted to the older version and everything started working.
I just started running into this issue too. Can I get the new version to test?
Hi Jerlyon,
You can download directly the updated module in your account page http://megadrupal.com/user/jerlyon
I have the same problem, the 'Add' button doesn't react so I'm not able to add items to the MD Megamenu...
Can you please send me the update of the module too?
Hi DRD84,
You could download mega menu from your account page (http://megadrupal.com/user/drd84).
OK thanks, I'm able to add menu-items again.
On the modules page I still get these two 'error's. Something to do about that?
Please help us change/ edit file info of mega menu from version 7.x-2.0 to 7.x-1.18.
And about fullscreen slider, because it is not purchased module, so there is no server checkout update for it. Please do not worry.
Hi Jaquintanag
Please check your email for the updated version of Megamenu
About the LOCATE US ON MAP, please go to folder md_avendor/templates/page, all files page--*.tpl.php have the code <a class="gmap-button">Locate us on map</a> at the bottom. You can remove or edit there