Where can we find the code to use ANIMATION ON VIEW?
"VIEW IN ACTION" >>> Error 404 Page
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See >>> http://demo.megadrupal.com/d7/md-ethereal/animations
There are codes:
Just add class "to_animate", attributes "data-animation" with this class, and "data-delay" with number in milliseconds to any HTML element and you're done.
Just add class "to_animate", attributes "data-animation" with this class, and "data-delay" with number in milliseconds to any HTML element and you're done.
Just add class "to_animate", attributes "data-animation" with this class, and "data-delay" with number in milliseconds to any HTML element and you're done.
We'd like to know where we can find similar codes in AVENDOR.
Please take a look at: https://github.com/daneden/animate.css