Edit main slideshow and portfolio block

joachimdesa's picture
Thu, 10/15/2015 - 09:44
Edit main slideshow and portfolio block

Hello i've been poking around and cannot find how to edit/add/delete the slides of the Ariva header slider block.

I have the same probleme for the portfolio; i'd like to display "Nos travaux" in stead of "portfolio".

I found nothing in views, block ...

Nothing is mentioned about that in the documentation, and AweContent does not access to custom block content

thank you for your help

joachimdesa's picture
Thu, 10/15/2015 - 10:05

ok i found the slider editor, it is here


cindy's picture
Thu, 10/15/2015 - 22:46

Yes, and to change the block title "Our Portfolio" please go to Structure > Blocks > View: Portfolio: Block Load more - Configure (/admin/structure/block/manage/views/portfolio-load_more/configure)

joachimdesa's picture
Fri, 10/16/2015 - 06:19

ok, thank you very much

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