Hi there
The script that drives the blog carousel works fine on iPad (Air) in landscape mode. But on iPad air portrait mode or iPhone it does not run. Rather the list/slides gets stuck. Swiping scrubs in these formats but swiping on iPad landscape glides like it should.
I don't have iPad Air. But I have a iPad 4 and I have tested the Blog Carousel on Portrait and Landscape mode. I see no problem with Swipe action on it.
Thank you!
On our page it is completely stuck. No automatic sliding, if using swipe it does not move like in landscape.
If you go from landscape to portrait you have to reload the page to make it work. A friend reported the same issue with Portrait on a Samsung mobile (newer model). I can also reproduce the problem with chromium and firefox. Not only is it stuck or don't slide, it doesn't show all the posted pages/intros.
I have tested your demo at http://qkthemes-demo.com/wordpress/arista/home-slider/ with both browsers and mimized screen. It behaves identical to our site, i.e. when using small windows the slider does not slide, and the swipe does not roll from item to item.
Okay, I'll check it later and let you know.