Slider related issues

khm's picture
Sat, 02/06/2016 - 05:12
Slider related issues

Hi there

A couple of minor issues. 

  1. The slider function is not working or showing pictures when/if compressing of CSS is on
    - is this possible to fix? Works fine when javascript compression is on

  2. Thumbnails of images selected for the slider not stored in given directory.  In fact the directory had not been created, manually created it but files were not put there (had to manually copy them into /sites/default/files/styles/theme_settings_small/public


khoa's picture
Sun, 02/07/2016 - 19:16


1. The slider function is not working or showing pictures when/if compressing of CSS is on
- is this possible to fix? Works fine when javascript compression is on

=> I don't think so. Because the CSS files in our demo are being compressed and I see no problem with the slider. So please check your source codes.

2. The slider function is not working or showing pictures when/if compressing of CSS is on
- is this possible to fix? Works fine when javascript compression is on

=> Please go to: admin/config/media/image-styles and create a image style named "Theme Settings Small"

Thank you!

khm's picture
Wed, 02/10/2016 - 11:27

Hi there

1. Interesting,  the moment I turn css compression on the slider goes blank (black bakground color is being diplayed)

2. Great thanks! I'll try this tomorrow! 

Cheers! :)

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