The module appears to be installed and functioning correctly, however it does not appear on the enabled forms, as well as the default forms such as user registration. Although no challenge appears, the error "Google reCAPTCHA does not accept this submission. Try again please, or contact to Site support services." is displayed.
It looks like it's a css issue for widget not showing, can you help?.
If enabled, i'm unable to login or sent comment. So i disabled the module in the DB.
I will sent login in private message
We can access by admin account. Could you check?
W fixed. Please check /blog/blog-single-image
We think using module recaptcha will make customization easy and safe.
You can go to Permission to set permission for recaptcha.
I checked and see that you added comments. But I just activated (!) Re-captcha for comments and contact.
Now i cannot send comment or use contact form: Google reCAPTCHA does not accept this submission. Try again please, or contact to Site support services.
Please check again?
Fixed. Please check.
Yes, fixed.
I now see the ReCaptcha check at the login, comment and contact form.
*Got a lot of SPAM recently
Thanks for fixing so quick