Smooth Parallax

magicprophecy's picture
Thu, 10/02/2014 - 14:54
Smooth Parallax

How can I get the parallax to be smooth?

Like this:

I tried to add: data-stellar-ratio="2"

Into page--front.tpl.php but it didn't appear to change anything.

Is it related to this instead?
function parallaxInit() {
$('#one-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#two-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#three-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#four-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#five-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#six-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#seven-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);

magicprophecy's picture
Sun, 10/05/2014 - 15:39

Basically I just want to change the speed of the scroll.

cindy's picture
Tue, 10/07/2014 - 05:37

You use the right code
The parameter .5 is the speed
you can change to other value until it meets your demand

magicprophecy's picture
Mon, 10/20/2014 - 21:22

Changing that parameter makes no change! I have flushed the cache multiple times, switched browsers...

cindy's picture
Tue, 10/21/2014 - 05:28
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