How can I get the parallax to be smooth?
Like this:
I tried to add: data-stellar-ratio="2"
Into page--front.tpl.php but it didn't appear to change anything.
Is it related to this instead?
function parallaxInit() {
$('#one-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#two-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#three-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#four-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#five-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#six-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
$('#seven-parallax').parallax("50%", .5);
Basically I just want to change the speed of the scroll.
You use the right code
The parameter .5 is the speed
you can change to other value until it meets your demand
Changing that parameter makes no change! I have flushed the cache multiple times, switched browsers...
You can see reference about js here