MD Alpine Theme Not installing

ashkot's picture
Mon, 05/26/2014 - 13:48
MD Alpine Theme Not installing

Dear all,
I just purchased the MD ALpine Drupal 7x theme and tried to install it, it does not work. I was wondering if someone could help.

I have clean installation of Drupal, with all the modules which are installed by default. After trying the installation instructions by MegaDrupal and following the manual install method.

First, I installed the theme, it appears and i set it for default theme. At this point everything goes blank and no page is rendered.

On the other hand if I install the theme and then install the modules followed by trying to setup the Apline theme as default, even then i get the same effect, blank screen and nothing is accessible from then on.

Does MD Alpine require any modules to be installed before trying to install MD Alpine theme?

Any help much appreciated.

cindy's picture
Tue, 05/27/2014 - 07:01

yes, just follow the instruction in document (manual install)
After extract the Theme file, you will get "Modules, Theme, Libraries and fontello", right?
Browse Modules into sites/all/module
Alpine theme into sites/all/theme
Extract Libraries into sites/all
Then visit your site,
- go to Appearance and Install new theme
- go to Modules and Install new module
- go to Configuration > Icon > Import tab > upload Fontello (Archive file)
Note: You need to enable all the required modules (written in document) in Modules (admin/modules)
Visit your site and then create content, assign block ...

ashkot's picture
Wed, 05/28/2014 - 17:54

Thanks Cindy. That was much better, some parts in the manual are not in sync with your post BUT i got it to work. Now i created a main menu, added it to navigation block, then created a slider.

Even though I made the menu sticky, the menu appears below the slider and does not float over it. Any ideas?

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