how do you get MD Full Slider to auto play video

julian66's picture
Thu, 04/03/2014 - 07:26
how do you get MD Full Slider to auto play video


I want to play a vimeo video automatically just like you see here:

Sadly - i added a video and this is what my site looks like.

It's not the same at all... and the instructions that come with this theme don't say anything about how to add video and have it auto-play full screen like you see in the demo.

How is it done?


cindy's picture
Thu, 04/03/2014 - 23:25

Firstly, thanks for your concern in our product.
Regarding question, we offer you 4 types of background. If you want to choose the "Video background", please go to "Appearance -> Theme setting -> Design Tab -> Header -> Background type/Custom Video background"
Then, go to Structure/Blocks, choose the "Header region" for "MD Alpine Header Block"
We check your site and figure out that you are using MD Fullscreen Slider.

julian66's picture
Sun, 04/06/2014 - 05:45

those instructions were perfect! thank you.

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