according the documentation : "In this theme, we have 7 regions parallax with 7 different styles".
But where can I change setttings / content to display ?
In "Appearance/theme settings/design" I'm missing fields to enter/change the data.
(MD Alpine Theme 7.x-3.0)
thanks in advance quick help.
Please go to /node/45/edit to edit/change setting.
And you are using awecontent on your site right? Please take a look at documentation of awecontent to know how to edit.
Hi, I'm bit lost now
where can I change the phone number (former parallax 7 in alpine doc) ?
See screenhot
You can see the pen on grey bar right? Please click on it and change phone number.
Remember we use awecontent so there is no longer parallax. Please check awecontent documentation carefully.
yes, can see the pen and yes I checked the doc carefully knowing that the basis has changed. I clicked on the pen and all I get is a "HTML Custom" on the left. Phone number cannot be changed. I can change the icon (with the telephone), by clicking on it's pen, but the not the number with its own pen.
Either I still not get it or there is still something wrong. Whatsoever I still need your help.
see screenshot
got it!
I was mislead by the fact that I have to change this custom HTML (having parallax in mind).
So this one is solved
I have the same problem, and for me its not solved. I dont know how to correctly change phone number with AWE content...!?
Yes, i can click on the pen, than HTML Custom appears. But i do not see a possibility to change anything...
Actually there are more things, i dont know how to change them... By example, there are buttons with label "Buy this theme" and i am not able to change them with AWE-Content.
Thanks for your help!
Kind regards,
Please check your email for the updated module and see if it works
Scrapper - could be a site effect of having mod_rewrite not enabled on your server ?
Could not find this anywhere in the documentation for Alpine V3.0. The method for editing the front page's Parallax sections in 2.X (all content other than the MD FullScreen Slider) was done through the theme in the Design tab. Version 2.X provided a simple solution for changing fields in the content, that fed views, that rendered as blocks, that appear as sections on the front page. That Parallax tab is completely missing in 3.0. The "new & improved" AWE method in 3.0 is a radical departure from the prior approach.
After 6 hours, I think I finally have this figured out and it actually works; but wow, could really use a little documentation. The 'video tutorials' link under help for AWEContent is broken, as are the links to the Forums. No joy there.
The key to editing the entire parallax front page (as vaguely noted above) is content node 45:
http://yourwebsite.com/node/45/edit (where 'yourwebsite' is the domain of your site).
Not very intuititive, but the 'FullScreen Slider' (listed as a basic page under 'Content') is actually the key to changing all the content for all the sections on the front page. You are not required to EXPORT from the AWE template and overwrite code as the help files indicate. You may not have to touch, blocks, views or content either.
Of course just clicking 'EDIT' on node 45 does nothing. You are first presented with a blank body area. You must choose the button above the body area labeled: BUILD PAGE WITH AWECONTENT. Eureka! Everything begins to open up.
Just scroll down and you will see all the sections of the site's front page and you can click to edit with the pencil edit button in the AWECONTENT editor (which is actually very powerful). The rest of the features are covered in the help and documentation for the AWECONTENT tool. It's getting there that took forever.
To SAVE your changes instantly, scroll down and click the check mark on the left. My apology if this was listed anywhere else, but I could not find it anywhere. (please point it out if I am in error).
I did have to update with the new FullScreen Slider V2.3 provided by MegaDrupal to make that work (post install of the Alpine V3.0 Install Profile). Just replace under the Alpine modules folder: /sites/all/modules/custom.
Hopefully, this helps the next person. Once you figure it out, the theme is pretty awesome with the AWECONTENT tool.